Areas of Expertise

Bid Response Review and Crafting

Your bid response is your one chance to make a lasting impression that will get the attention of an evaluation committee. It is vitally important that your proposal passes through all levels of evaluation through to final negotiations. Private sector bids often have loose criteria for scoring and awarding contracts, and have the ability to sole or single source - state and local governments generally do not. There are very strict rules in place that must be adhered to, ensuring fairness and transparency. You need to be aware of those rules and how to navigate them so your bid is not thrown out on a technicality or scored too low for any type of award.

Ad-Hoc Advisory Services

“All I know is that I need some help with Procurement..” That’s OK! Maybe you don’t know exactly what you need and there isn’t a specific scope of work. Let’s discuss a retainer that makes sense which allows us to be at your disposal. That means your sales team or anyone else in your organization that you see fit can reach out for any question, any meeting, any time.

Legislative Analysis

Are you interested in legislation that will potentially benefit your company? There are ways to write legislation that will get the support of the CPO / Director’s office and still be effective for your needs. Writing win-win legislation is possible, and EAS can help you do that. EAS is registered as a lobbyist in the State of Michigan.

MWBE / Veteran Owned Business Advising

Are you a small business? Minority / Woman / Veteran owned? In a HUB Zone or Qualified Opportunity Zone? State and local governments want to do business with you, and there are various advantages available. Do you know what they are? Do you have an understanding of them? Do you have the certification(s) you need? We can help you navigate this web of information to help you land the business you need to grow.

Pre and Post-Award Advising | Sales Team Training

You’ve won a government contract - great job! Now what? What’s the best way to get started on the right foot to ensure a lasting, mutually beneficial relationship with your new client?


You’ve lost a bid for a government contract and your sales team is dejected. Your leadership team and board are frustrated and asking questions. You’ve protested, you’ve FOIA’d - what went wrong? How can you do better next time? We will help ensure you don’t make the same mistakes twice.

Procurement Policy and Law Analysis

Procurement laws and policies vary widely from government to government, and are confusing at best. In many cases, local policies have been re-written over the years and simply “glued” together into a nonsensical mess. We can help you unravel that mess and get to the bottom of the questions you have.

Contract Review, Negotiation & Compliance

Negotiating contracts with government entities is not the same as negotiating in the private sector. Contract flexibility is not often available, however there is a way to find middle ground. We’ll help you get there by stepping into and leading your negotiations, or advising in the background as an extension of your team.